laser interventions in the
comfort of our office

Inquiries & Referrals

Thank you for choosing the experts! The utilization of laser is inherent to modern eye care, allowing us to safely and effectively treat various conditions. Dr. Collett performs laser procedures on a weekly basis right here in our Bellaire office. Schedule an evaluation today.

Are laser treatments safe?

Yes! Laser procedures are exceedingly safe and often painless. Additionally, they can be performed in the comfort of our office.

YAG vitreolysis

The only non-invasive method to treat “floaters” in your vision. Time causes the gel within the eye to form small clumps, which are perceived as specks that “float” across our field of vision. YAG vitreolysis, breaks up and disperses these clumps, making them less noticeable. If your floaters are quite bothersome, then this solution may be for you.

YAG capsulotomy

A quick and painless procedure often needed after cataract surgery. This laser eliminates posterior capsular opacifications (PCO), which occur after 20% of all cataract extractions, regardless of patient or surgeon. If you are experiencing a regression in your vision following successful cataract surgery, then you may have PCO, and this procedure could be highly beneficial.

SLT for glaucoma

Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) is a common and effective way to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP). Uncontrolled IOP leads to optic nerve damage, which is known as glaucoma. This irreversible form of vision loss requires quick intervention to prevent eventual blindness. SLT has revolutionized IOP management and at Surgical Eye Experts, we offer it as first-line treatment for glaucoma (and even pre-glaucoma).

This quick and painless laser stimulates and rejuvenates the drainage system of the eye. It is equally as effective as many other glaucoma interventions and can be applied multiple times if needed. Using eye drops is cumbersome and many times expensive. SLT is a non-invasive solution that can simplify the complexities of glaucoma management.

cataract extraction

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dry eye

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laser treatments

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Unrivaled access to surgical centers and suites

State-of-the-art instruments and technology

Locally owned practice dedicated to our community

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